Beefing Up Your Weak Passwords
Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides knows a thing or two about password security—and he knows exactly how he'd hack the weak passwords you use all over the internet.
In his post for Lifehacker, he tells you how he’d try to crack your password to help you better understand the security of your own passwords and how to bolster that security. His article is full of good tips to protect your private information and websites to check out in that endeavor.
If you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?
I can obtain most of this information much easier than you think, then I might just be able to get into your e-mail, computer, or online banking. After all, if I get into one I'll probably get into all of them.
Hackers, and I'm not talking about the ethical kind, have developed a whole range of tools to get at your personal data. And the main impediment standing between your information remaining safe, or leaking out, is the password you choose. (Ironically, the best protection people have is usually the one they take least seriously.)
Click here to read the complete article.