A Couple of Good Reasons to Become a Data-Driven Executive
By Annie Eissler
Senior Marketing Consultant, MITS
According to Aberdeen Group's "Executive's Guide to Effective Analytics" report, good things happen from a business performance perspective when senior executives get involved in the creation of analytics-driven insights.
Results from a survey of 116 executives (including some from Wholesale Distribution!) show that executives that are highly satisfied with their firm's analytical capabilities experienced high levels of customer satisfaction and growth in operating profit.
Executives that are leading their companies into the future with data-driven decision-making also define and measure operational KPIs, have a single source for operational performance info, and establish data access controls to mitigate risk.
Aberdeen Group's recommendations for analytics success? They include:
- Have a formal data strategy
- Get your KPIs in place
- Offer your team flexible tools for reporting and analytics
Thanks to the recently announced Tribute partnership with MITS, a reporting and analytics solution provider, it is easier than ever for TrulinX software customers to reap the rewards of data-driven insights.
If you’ve got five minutes, watch this short MITS Distributor Analytics overview video to see what we mean. Then, if greater customer satisfaction and higher operating profits are on your “to do” list, get in touch to schedule your one-on-one demo with MITS.
MITS - Distributor & Manufacturer Analytics
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